Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Awards and Report Cards

Jared had an awards assembly at school.

I realize it's only kindergarten, but I had the proudest mommy moment when Jared got awards for perfect attendance and being responsible.

I am so happy that he is working hard and loving school!

Nathan went in late to work that day so he could come see. Here he is with Abby waiting to get started.

Getting his award!

That's his teacher in the background.

I can't believe I have a kid in school! How did he get so old so fast!?!

Jared could probably care less that he got an award, but I think he was happy to see me so happy with him.

In fact, he just got his report card and didn't even tell me he brought it home in his Friday Folder. I had to dig though it to find it, and when I told him he got super good grades, he just smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and went back to playing.

Good job Jared!