Wednesday, January 19, 2011
A Day in the Vineyard
Get ready for a bunch of pictures.
Or if you're not ready for a pictures overload, go get a snack instead.
I went out with some friends and their kids to take some pictures in a vineyard with high voltage power lines running through it. The sky was very blue with these cool wispy clouds floating around. Perfect for picture taking...if I new how to take landscape pictures. I seriously suck at them!
Take this shot, for example.
Pretty vines, nice sky, fun towers in the background, yet your eye just has no idea where to look. Ick.
So I stuck mostly to my munchkins.
I super-duper LOVE this one. I think I need to frame it.
Cool clouds, eh?
So I took my lens off and held it on the camera backwards, ya know, just to see what would happen.
And this happened.
Kind of a cool, dreamy, fairytale effect.
The one day a year your parents are happy to let you dress up as anything you want then send you out into the neighborhood to beg and threaten endless amounts of candy off of strangers.
The only requirement I have of my kids before letting them run wild is posing for an excessive amount of pictures first.
This one was not so happy in the beginning.