Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day!

Isn't it awesome to have one whole extra day added to the year? You hear people say -If I only had more time- all the time, and now you've got it. So this morning was dedicated to housework. I have folded, picked up, wiped down, vacuumed and the whole nine yards. Then this afternoon will be play time! The kids decided they'd like to go to the park after M's nap which is great because they'll get out all that extra energy that I haven't figured out how to steal from them yet. Then tonight I'm joining the girls for "Girls Night Out", which will of course include ice cream.

Today we also got a fun surprise...a package in the mail from Uncle Peter filled with Mardi Gras beads. He lives right by New Orleans and said he had a bunch of beads and would mail us some of them. So this is just part of his parade booty.

Thanks Peter. The kids think the package was a treasure box!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fresh out of the Oven

I got to photograph the cutest little baby in the whole wide world on Monday. He was less than one day old, still in the hospital and had that yummy baby smell! I walked into the baby area with a basket full of blankets and the department manager walked up to me and told me to stop carrying the basket like I had a baby in it because they are very serious about baby theft. I made some silly remark about a basket of "baby blankets" and she said, totally straight faced, "No, I'm serious".

Mommy had a c-section, but was doing great and was so happy to me a mom again after 23 (I think) years! Yes, that means her last baby is now in her 20's! Thanks for letting me invade your hospital room.

I love feet pictures!

The yawn...

Trevor is 4

The kids cousin Trevor (my cousin Kim's son) had his 4th birthday party at the bowling ally and they had the best time! Bowling allies contain everything kids like.


Friends (family in this case)



and Cake!

And here's the birthday boy!


Did you all get to see the lunar eclipse? I've had a thing for eclipses since I was little, so thank you Thomas for calling me and letting me know there was one. (I guess I need to watch the news more) I took a few pictures, but obviously the magical powers causing the moon to disappear also made me forget how to focus.

Kym's Baby Belly

Kym came over with Kristyn, Cindy and Nick to take some maternity pictures. I got to use my seamless paper and let me tell you, I'm in love with it! Kym was so relaxed and easy to photograph. I got all set up before they arrived and asked Jared to help me adjust my light. This was the result.

But then Kym got in front of the camera and things went a bit smoother.

And then Kristyn poked holes in my little girls ears!

She did a super good job and Madie cried just a litte, and mostly because she was mad. As soon as she was over her attitude, she discovered the little sparklies in her ears and LOVES them. Thanks Kristyn!

Happy 50th Birthday!

My cousin Kim and I took pictures at Debbie's fabulous 50th birthday party. Her hubbie said it was the first and last party he's ever planned. But even for a first he did a great job. Their house was beautiful and they had a great crowd of friends and family to celebrate. Here's me and Kim. (just ignore the mickey mouse ears)

Thanks for the help Kim!

My Blog

I have finally entered the 21st century...thanks to my hubbie (hereafter known as Nathan) that keeps me updated on modern technology. I now have some awesome toys I would have never bought myself, including:

A Blue-tooth headset: Drivers need no longer fear my reckless driving.

(Nathan has a thing for taking pics while I drive.)

MP3 Player: I couldn't bring myself to spend that much dough on one, so Nathan found me one for $33.95 and it's AWESOME!!!!!!!

All kinds of nifty camera toys.

A Blog: Apparently you're nobody without one. Who knew?