Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Graduation Day

Jared graduated from preschool. On his last day they walked down to the park and the moms met them there. And did I take a single picture of my graduate? No, no I did not. But I did take a picture of some cute little baby cousins.

This one is mine.

This one is my cousin Kim's. She's six days younger than my little chubby monkey.

And she has gorgeous big blue eyes!


We live pretty close to my parents, like just over a mile close, so my dad stops by pretty often to see the kids. And they love it! Can you tell?

Well, they usually love it. Madie was a grouch this day, so no pictures of her. Abby was loving the attention though.

My dad loves kids and it's so nice having him over to entertain my little rug rats.

Jared's Birthday, the evening

Don't they totally look like they just love each other to death? It's a deceptive picture. They fight all the time...in between short moments of loving each other to death. As I type Jared is sitting on top of Madie saying, "I hate you...no I love you!". Then she cries, then laughs, then cries again.

Guess what that folded blanket he is holding is.

It's his birthday present. No, not the blanket. I forgot to wrap it (yes, just like my mom) so I wrapped it in a blanket, just like Jared does every other day when he gives me "presents".

It's his first video game. He hasn't had a huge interest in gaming yet, so we got a kiddish one off the clearance rack to see how it went. We wanted to get Mario Kart, but the game seems to be hiding from us. We saved his skate board for his party that weekend, but I don't have any pictures of that because I'm a dork and I forgot to put my memory card back in my camera. The deceptive thing still takes the picture and previews it for you, but when you go back to look again...they're gone! (sniffle, sniffle) He LOVED the skate board.

And then Madie did a silly little dance that made Nathan wonder.

Jared's Birthday, the morning

Jared turned 5! I still can't believe it. And on his fifth birthday there was a mother's day luncheon at his preschool. They set a cute little spot on a table in the backyard for all the moms.

The kids made the frame and painted the flower pot. And the place mat is a list of questions the teachers asked the kids about their moms. The answers can be hilarious!

So cute and so proud of his work. And so five years old.

And they sang us super cute little songs.

And the food was good ta-boot. I'm going to miss that school.