Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Brajon and Joyce

This happy couple got married at the Oakland, CA temple. They were all kissy, huggy, eye batting in love. It was cute. Here's just some of the day.

Thomas took this one. I like the view point.

My Little Brother and Me

I did a wedding. I don't normally do weddings because they take a lot of time...on the day and with so many photos to go through. But this was for a friend and it was a fun day!

See how much enthusiasm I started out with!

I brought along this goofball to help out.

Ok, that was a mean picture. He's more of a pretty cool little brother.

Me at work.

Thanks for that one Thomas. I'm off to do some sit ups.

And this is me at the end of the day. I got sick. What horrible timing for a nasty cold to sneak up on me.

I look tired and worn, but the flowers sure look pretty! So next time I get really sick and have to go out in public, I'm just going to carry gorgeous flowers around and no one will notice me.

Baby Strap

I decided to test out my very limited sewing skills and finagle some sort of grocery cart strap for the baby. I didn't want a big bulky seat cover because I already have enough crap kids stuff in my car and just wanted something I could keep in the diaper bag and not be in the way. Only I didn't see anything for sale like that, so I made my own. And the amazing thing is...it worked!

What we do when it's too hot to go outside.

I guess not a lot happened with our family in August because the only pictures I have are of this wrestling match between Jared and Abby.

It ended well.