Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm it.

I've been tagged by my cousin Kim. I'm suppose to go the the 4th picture in my 4th folder and post the pic. The question in my head is... my 4th folder of what? I have so many folders broken down into so many categories I'm not sure which one to call the 1st folder.




Ok. Conclusion. I'm off to check the 4th picture in my 4th folder for this month (I've got 5 already). And the winner is...

My little man from a little group photo shoot we did downtown last Friday. This is his, "your crazy" look. I love it!

I tag my brother Peter...he needs a new post on his blog.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cute! I love the expression. I agree Peter needs to update his blog!