Welcome to my blog!

My super awesome husband gave me a super fabulous camera a few years back and I've been hopelessly obsessed and have driven my children crazy with, "look at Mommy" and "you can have a piece of candy if you let me take 5 pictures", ever since. Here are just a few of those moments I steel away from my uber cute kiddos, and a few more moments I occasionaly get to take of other people...to the relief of my family. I do love to practice on anyone who will let me, so if you would like your picture taken let me know!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mommy's Perspective

I was holding Abby thinking about what a sweet cutie pie she is and wanted to get that perspective captured forever, so I pulled out the camera and gave it a try. It doesn't look exactly like what I was seeing, especially because the side of her face was by the bright window which made it pretty bright in the picture, and I need arms about 2 inches longer so I can hold her far enough away to get the camera to focus. But besides that...it kind of worked.

And, once again, I can't decide on color or black and white.

Black and White?

Or color?

She's got those fingers in her mouth a lot. It first I thought she might be teething early, but still no teeth, so I guess she just really likes to chew. I'll have to keep a large supply of gum around in the future.

Now I'm off to find an arm stretcher.

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