I got to take some pictures of the most photogenic family ever. Usually I do a small amount of touching up here and there on people, making sure they don't have super dark circles under their eyes and stuff like that, but these people are perfect!
And they're fun.
And their kids are good. I love good kids.
And the kids offered me ice cream. I'll love them forever.
See, I told you they're adorably cute.
I use to teach this little man in primary. He's bubbly and energetic and oh-so-sweet.
And just look at those blue eyes and curls! The sweetest.
They can't help being all cute and adorable with these two as parents. It's in the genes.
In conclusion...
They're cute.
They're fun.
They're photogenic.
And they use ice cream to bribe their kids to be good for pictures.
They're my kind of people.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Pretty People
My Big Kid
I can't believe that I've sent my boy off to kindergarten. Seriously, he just can't be that old already. He was so completely ready for it I just couldn't hold him and his big ol' brain back. He was super excited and didn't really have any worries at all about it. He told me he'd miss me while he was at school, but that was ok because he'd only miss me a little while then he'd come home. I, on the other hand, almost cried as he walked into class...and I'm not a crier. It was a big mommy moment.
Everyone was excited getting in the car that morning.
The next week and a half the mornings didn't go as smoothly. They kids had a hard time realizing he had to be there ON TIME and couldn't drag their feet all morning. Now they're totally use to it and get out the door pretty well.
Nathan came that morning to see his first born off into the big bad world.
Look, we have matching dorky faces.
Jared was giddy. Madie wasn't quite sure what to think. Abby was enjoying the ride. She always enjoys the ride.
See, excited!
And this is his friend from church. They're not in the same school class, but they play at recess together and LOVE to see each other.
And then the first bell rang and the kids lined up. Then the second bell rang, the teacher opened the door and told the kids to say goodbye to their grownups.
Kids cried.
Mine did not.
He waved, said goodbye, turned to follow the line into the class and didn't even look back. Not a single glance.
Then I almost cried.
Then it was over. He's officially in school and LOVING it!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Real Food
Abby turned six months and it was time to start her on some solid food. Funny thing is, she's our chunkiest baby, but didn't really have any interest in food. She didn't act like she hated it, but she wouldn't really eat it either. We started with rice cereal, tried fruit a few days later, but when she didn't want either, we went for pudding. And pudding she liked. A lot. A lot, a lot. So after she figured out that food can be yummy she'd eat a bit of the "real" baby food for us.
Waiting for her first bite.
This is the first high chair we've ever owned. We've never had room before so we used the boosters you strap onto your kitchen chairs. The high chair wins my vote. Deciding factor: wheels
Hmmm, what's this?
Sure, I'll try some.
Mom, what are you trying to do to me?
I'm now making our own baby food. Way easier than I thought it would be and she likes it. Can't say I blame her for not being all that into the jarred stuff. It's gross.